Sunday, January 27, 2013

Calling 911, Not What I Expected

So, this isn't really a random, crazy or brilliant thought more of a scary thought.
Alexis, our 5 year old has a cold and is all snuffly and stuffy, coughing and whining.
To make her feel better, I gave her a cold medicine tablet yesterday morning. Worked great so we went about our day.
Zachary, our 7 year old has problems sleeping and has been prescribed melatonin to help him relax every once and awhile.
So last night was one of those nights he just couldn't wind down and at 10:30pm, I decided to give him a does but I couldn't find it.
A voice inside to me to check Lexi's room, and when I went in, I discovered an empty pack of cold medicine and and empty pack of melatonin. So of course I freak out and try to wake her up. She was totally out of it but would wake up for a second, smile then her eyes would roll back and she would fall back asleep. I wasn't sure if it was a full blown emergency so I called Health Link. After a couple of minutes explaining what had happened, her supervisor told us to call 911 and transferred us over..... and this is the scary part!
After I was transferred, thinking to myself, I can't believe I am actually calling 911, a message came on saying that all operators were busy and to call back later. REALLY?!
Now, this is the first time that I have ever had to call 911 so not too familiar with the process but is it normal to get a busy signal when calling about an emergency? That just seems so wrong.
So after the busy signal, we tried getting her up and awake. After a couple of minutes, she was mostly alert and answering questions so we decided not to call back and kept an eye on her for the rest of the night.
I can definitely say that was one of the scariest moment of my life as a mom... and an even scarier moment knowing that when I needed to call 911, they were busy.
I'm not sure how she got a hold of the meds as they were in the cabinet above the sink but I guess now that the kids are getting older and can reach higher, it's time for all of that kind of stuff to get moved into a vault.
Lexi is fine this morning and back to her old self so I feel very lucky that we dodged a bullet but still so so so scary!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where Have The Socks Gone?

Oh where oh where have all the socks gone? 
Oh where oh where can they be? 
They where put in the wash but now they are gone.
Oh where, oh where can they be?
I LOVE Pintrest! 
It is kind of an obsession of mine and needed an intervention so I try to pace myself these days. 
One pin that I just LOVED was a Lost Sock Board. 
You pin up your missing socks and when you find the mate, you match them up! 
Well in our house, my lost sock BOARD has turned into a lost sock BASKET! 
Over the past couple of months, I have no clue where one matched pair of socks is. 
Seriously, no clue! 
They go into the wash and only one comes out! 
It's like a version of the Hunger Games for socks! 
So now, I literally have a full basket of missing socks and not sure what to do with them. 
How long do you wait for your missing mate? 
I feel like I'm in the Notebook of socks. 
"I waited for you for 7 years" 
Anyhow.... so this is the question.... how long do I wait before getting rid of these socks and what do I do with them? 
I feel bad just throwing away all these socks. 
And on a side note, where ever these missing socks go.... I want to go there too! 
Maybe I could finally go to the bathroom in peace. 
Pintrest Lost Sock Board

My Lost Sock Basket

I think I may actually change the name of my lost sock basket to the Bachelor Pad. 
All these missing socking just looking for a mate..... could be interesting ;)  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Plead Sleep Deprivation!

After alot of soul searching (usually at 3am)
I have realized that there are two things that I took for granted before having kids.

Freedom to come and go as I please.
Freedom to have complete control of the TV remote. I am not obligated to watch any type of show involving a talking animal or big purple dinosaur.
Freedom to go to the bathroom ALONE!

And two, Sleep! This is the BIG ONE!
Before you have kids, you really don't realize how important and precious it really is till it's gone.
I'm still amazed that I was actually able to function on such little sleep and raise a little human at the same time after our son was born.
But after awhile, the long nights become a vague memory and you get the brilliant idea to do it all again not one but two more times!  
After having our second child, she didn't sleep through the night until she was 4 1/2 and by this time, we had already had our third baby.... and at this current time is still not sleeping through the night after 19 months.
So looking back, I have had only a handful of full night sleeps in about 5 1/2 years.
This will be my plea if I ever by chance ever kill anyone LOL
(just kidding... really, those orange jumpsuits would do nothing for my figure!)
(just kidding again.... I've had 3 kids.... what figure!)
Ummmm, where was I????
I have done my fair share of rocking and nursing crying, sick and teething babies at 3am over the past 7 years.
And I must say, this is when I find that my most odd, crazy and brilliant ideas come to me..... Like the whole orange jumpsuit thought....
Hey! I never said they were rational thoughts!
So, here they are!
I have started a blog filled with my 3am (and even sometimes my 1am, 4am and 5am) ideas and thoughts, rational or not.
Hope you enjoy!
And Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite.